
INDUSTRY/TECHNOLOGY: Healthsouth wackiness hits new high

Given my previous long ramblings about Healthsouth and my interest in mobile PCs for health care workers, I couldn’t let yesterday’s news pass without at least noticing that:

a) Richard Scrushy finally got hit with an indictment on a mere 85 counts of fraud yesterday.  The government thinks that he obtained $273 million illegally and wants it back.  Furthermore, if convicted on all charges he also faces 5 million years in prison and $6 gazillion in fines. (OK it’s 650 years in prison, but what’s the point of a sentence like that?)

b) Meanwhile Healthsouth is buying 5,000 Tablet PCs from Motion Computing to deploy at its 1,400  Rehabilitation Centers Nationwide. (The software comes from a company, Source Medical Solutions, of which Healthsouth owns a third).

c) Healthsouth seems to be defaulting on its bonds and may be headed for bankruptcy unless it can reschedule its debts.  So I hope Motion Computing is getting its cash up front….

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