
INDUSTRY: Major healthcare M&A deals this year

This Reuters report shows major healthcare M&A deals this year.  I found this after looking at GE’s further incursions into the health care business.  Most recently GE last week bought Amersham. Amersham makes reagents and fits in with GE’s MRI and other scanner business.  Meanwhile GE has also decided to to get further into medical IT, with its purhcase of the old Medicalogic EMR system from Medscape. Add to that Siemens purchase of SMS a couple of years back, and its apparent that the world’s biggest companies are starting to scrutinize the US’ biggest industry, and also see if there are opportunities on the information and medical technology side, as well as on the pharmaceutical side.

Note: Amersham’s interesting historical footnote is that it was the first company privatized by the Thatcher government in the 1980s, and possibly the first privatized company ever

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